Dementia Community News West Sussex

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See how you can help the Dementia Community in West Sussex.

About Us

Our backstory

Bringing you countywide dementia news, local events, activities and tips on how organisations can become more dementia inclusive.


We are passionate to share the knowledge we have collected from working with local dementia professionals and people living with dementia. With the support of West Sussex County Council and West Sussex Integrated Care Services we bring you this new website. 

Having conversations about dementia, how and when to get a diagnosis can be difficult. As can acceptance and making adjustments to making end-of-life wishes. 

People affected by dementia frequently tell us how important it is for them to continue accessing and being part of their community. Living their best life and continuing to have a part to play and sense of identity. 

Trying to understand dementia is like being on a pathway which starts with recognising the signs and symptoms, getting a diagnosis and continues through to the end of life. Many people can navigate their way around the various organisations and services that are available, however others may need a little help. 

The aim is to bring together the advice, thoughts and events from the professionals to create and informative website that looks into the multifaceted world that surrounds dementia. To think about how each stage can be best planned to help both carer and cared for and help them to live a fulfilled life as possible. Our aim is to share this information as far and wide across West Sussex. 

What we do

We offer Dementia awareness talks to everyone from community groups, faith groups, schools, Health and Care services and businesses, in fact anyone willing to listen!

Dementia Friends sessions and talks are delivered in a simple, easy to understand manner either online or face to face. During the session you will learn about some of the more common types of dementia, how dementia affects day to day life and what you can do to help.  

We can also supply further information on the following 

  • Prevention and pre-diagnosis.  
  • How to recognise the signs and symptoms of dementia. 
  • Plan for when dementia progresses. 
  • Considering when extra care may be needed. 
  • Advanced care plans and end of life wishes.  

Please do get in touch if you would like any further information concerning our talks. 

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