Dementia Community News West Sussex

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If a person’s dementia requires significant support, they may need to move home which will allow them access to further care, this can be by either moving into residential or nursing care or moving in with family. Finding a new home can be emotionally, financially, and logistically challenging.


They may be moving from a home where they have lived for decades, leaving memories, and loved ones behind. The idea of a new, unfamiliar space can be frightening. Likewise, the family and carer may feel a sense of guilt or failure if the person they are caring for has more complex needs than they can provide for.

Families often do not know where to turn to for help, and the lack of support can add further stress to an already fraught situation. If left unsupported, these pressures can lead to crisis. But it does not have to be this way. People affected by dementia can be supported to feel confident and secure about moving home. Critical support can be found from Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK and West Sussex Care Guide

“My husband Bill who is living with dementia came to Skylark in October 2022. He is very well looked after & can spend time on his main hobby in the vegetable garden and greenhouse which he has planted with onions, potatoes, courgettes, pumpkins, cucumbers & tomatoes.

It is a great comfort to know he is well looked after & can continue to do the things he loves.”


Community News – Find out all that is happening in your local area from groups, clubs, and events to campaigns, such as Dementia Action Week. Find out what’s happening near you.

Community Blog – short informative stories written by our readers.  Both professionals and people living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia.

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